All tagged adventure

Traveling While Natural: Hair Care Tips While On The Go

Here’s the deal ladies and gents, hair care while traveling is a complicated matter. Particularly if you’re apart of the kinky curly crew.

The 3 hair essentials for traveling are...
Style -- because you need great pictures for the Gram!

Ease -- because traveling is most fun when you can just jump up and get into activities.

Function - because your hair can be  stylish and easy, but it also has to hold up in 60% humidity!

Our Earth Is Dying...Here's How You Can Help.

Our beautiful mother earth, is currently undergoing what scientist are calling “Earth’s Sixth Mass Extinction Event”

In other words, the trauma that Earth’s ecosystem is currently experiencing is similar to that of the time when a gigantic fucking asteroid hit the planet 65 million years ago and wiped out 75% of all living creatures.

We have reached a critical point in our earth’s life and we have to do better.

So here are some simple things you can do to reduce your carbon footprint while traveling.

Take Me To Mars

Her form was artfully draped in a white sleeveless shirt, strung with two large hamsas, and her wheat-brown was hair tied up softly and efficiently, cascading down her back to reveal two piercing blue eyes whose gaze I could not escape. Almost immediately that old familiar knowledge prickled behind my brow. It was that innate knowledge all queer people have, like an extra sense. It’s as if we can detect an invisible boundary that is perceptible only to anyone who knows the consequences of overstepping it.

Why Travel Insurance Is The One Thing You Shouldn't Forget To Pack

After they left I went for a walk around Iquitos, I bought a tamale and headed back to my hostel, where in dramatic fashion I completely collapsed in the entrance of the hostel and sobbed. The hostel manager picked me up, called for emergency transport and I was taken to a nearby medical center. Over the course of the next couple of weeks, I was in and out of medical centers and on bed rest.

To Get, Or Not to Get, A Tattoo While Traveling?

For me tattoos are a form of self expression and art. It’s a process in which pain transcends it’s temporary form and manifest itself into something beautiful, something permanent, something that becomes part of the essence of you. It’s way to show a bit of who you are on the inside on your external form. Tattoo’s allow you to express your interest and passions, they help connect us to our loved ones, or to those that we’ve lost. 

Fear and Sisterhood

We turned back around and began to walk quickly to the populated yet intimidating club.

The men that eyed us before began to yell to us audibly. It started with," un besito" which means a little kiss, then followed by asking for money.We issued a stern "Buenos Noches" and continued at a more rapid pace. The men were relentless and began following us. Liv and I prepared ourselves for a physical altercation, the tension in the spaces between us seemed to be leading that way.

Music of the Month: March

We want to use this platform to share music that we love from around the world. Because we believe, music is a universal language that has the ability give us insight into the cultures and stories of the people creating it. 🗺 🎶That being said, every month we are going to share some of our favorite international artists with all of you lovely peoples🎵🌎💃🏽

Music Is Our Muse

Music is ever moving, ever changing. Each region on earth speaks a different musical language, across every border you can hear distinct changes in rhythm and instrumentation. From the mouths of our culture we can engage with our neighbors, and this world we have come to know as divided, can be less so.