
Welcome to our blog. We are here to bring you a raw & unique perspective on traveling and music across the globe.

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Music Is Our Muse

Music Is Our Muse

Music is ever moving, ever changing. Each region on earth speaks a different musical language, across every border you can hear distinct changes in rhythm and instrumentation. From the mouths of our culture we can engage with our neighbors, and this world we have come to know as divided, can be less so.


Sounds range as far as the complexity of free form jazz, to the simplicity of the wind grazing our ears. If each region of this planet is its own microcosm of musical stimuli, then each sound emitting from that region is a distinct language respective to that origin. In other words, the wind does not blow the same through every place.


We want to explore which way the wind blows. What does the combination of air, trees, sun, and life sound like from each region—with what vocabulary sounds do they express them? What language exists in the places far from home? How will these sounds thrill us, frighten us, and surprise us? The stories from these places, and the people who know them best, are necessary for the merging of our humanity.

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